california rafting trips & vacations

South Fork American 1/2 Day PM Gorge Run

Middle Fork American – Run the Famed “Tunnel Chute”

50% Off Kids on Weekdays

20% off Rafting Trips with special code from Adventure Sports Journal

Thanks for coming to visit!

We offer trips on over 13 rivers in California as well as trips in Oregon. Use the code you received from to apply 20% off to your rafting trip reservation.

Some restrictions apply:

  • new reservations only
  • Most rafting trips require a $50/person deposit ($100 for 2 day trips)
  • Discount cannot be used in conjunction with group discounts or Family Rafting Specials (where kids are 50% off)

Choose from some of our most popular options:

American River Rafting Trips

Truckee River Rafting Trips

Family Vacations

All California Rafting Trips