california rafting trips & vacations

Thank you for a Fantastic Rafting Season

About Raft California


Raft California is a collaboration of some of the original white water rafting companies in California. Our company is a combination of some legendary white water outfitters and boaters. Originally 3 different companies; Adventure Connection, Tributary Whitewater Tours and Mariah Wilderness Expeditions, we are committed to providing amazing experiences, family vacations, team building events, bachelor/bachelorette party celebrations, reunions and special events.

We offer more white water rafting trips and experiences in California than any other outfitter and harness over 40 years of rafting experience on the American River, Truckee River, Yuba River & more!

Join us on one of our spectacular white water rafting adventures & we will show you the magic the river has to offer!

our guides rock!

Our employees are stewards of nature, passionate about rivers and the lands with which she meanders thru. We take pride in what we do, and enjoy each and every day with our guests!

more rivers = more fun!

Raft California (aka Tributary Whitewater Tours) holds more unique permits in the state of California than any other raft trip operator. We hold permits on 13 rivers with trips for all ages and abilities.

This company operates under permits from:

  • CA Dept. of Parks & Recreation (Middle, North and South Fork American Rivers)
  • Nevada County (Truckee River)
  • El Dorado County (South Fork American River)
  • Bureau of Land Management (South Fork American River, East Carson and Upper Klamath River)
  • United States Forest Service (Klamath, Six Rivers, Shasta-Trinity, Tahoe and Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forests for the North Yuba River, Klamath, Cal. Salmon, Scott River, Upper Sacramento, Burnt Ranch Gorge, Trinity and Truckee River)

Because we offer so many rivers flowing thru a diversity of eco systems our guides are really able to understand the uniqueness of each experience. When on a rafting trip with Raft California we are not only going to take you on the river, you will become immersed in your natural surroundings. Our guides are stewards of the river, and although they enjoy some gnarly whitewater, also love to share the knowledge of the particular rivers we travel down.

We are always looking for ways to increase our efforts in “going green”, and this is not something new to us. For over 30 years we have been at the forefront of the recycling efforts, moving now into a more digital era to conserve not only the paper resources, but the energy to produce and print.

Some of the examples in which we are conserving:

  • No single use water bottles – we encourage our guests to bring their own insulated water bottle, if they don’t have one they can purchase one from our store or borrow one from our stash
  • Reusable dishes & utensils – plastic plates and metal utensils are used to all our river trip
  • Digital waivers – we try and avoid printing paper waivers and urge or guests to utilize our online waivers that can be signed prior to your rafting trip
  • Less paper in the office – employee schedules and time cards are digital and we encourage direct deposit
  • Our company practices the Leave no Trace and pack it in pack it out methodologies
Non-Discrimination / Equal Opportunity Employer

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
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