When you sign up for a California river whitewater rafting trip with Adventure Connection, one of the things you have to do is sign a liability release. This may seem a little scary, but don’t let it worry you.
The liability release is to protect you, as well as the company. It is there to remind you that you are going to be in the wilderness, and not in some climate-controlled nature simulator. You have to remember that, when you go outside, there are no guarantees. The weather can change, and there can be wild animals, stinging insects and other discomforts.
This is also a white water rafting trip. There are no safety belts, and no ride operator who will pull the emergency brake, if things go wrong. But that doesn’t mean that you are going to be facing certain danger. Your Adventure Connection river guides have many years’ experience on the American River, and will see to it that you are safe and have fun while you experience an exciting ride on the river.
But, just remember, you could also end up with a scratch, here, or a bump, there. That’s part of the adventure of being outdoors. So, if you’re ready, sign that liability release and sign up for your white water rafting trip with Adventure Connection.
Reserve Your California Rafting Trip
with Adventure Connection
Going on a whitewater rafting trip with family and friends is just what you need to experience California at its best. Ride challenging rapids at great prices with our friendly, experienced whitewater rafting guides. Don’t delay! Reserve your California whitewater rafting trip today.