california rafting trips & vacations

South Fork American 1/2 Day PM Gorge Run

Middle Fork American – Run the Famed “Tunnel Chute”

50% Off Kids on Weekdays

Class 5 Rafting Trips

Advanced Class 5 white water rafting trips with Raft California

Adventurous river trips & return rafters ages 16+

California is home to some amazing rafting opportunities for Class 4 white water rafting. We offer a large variety of Class 4 whitewater rafting adventures in North and Southern California. The American River & Upper Klamath rivers provide all summer long Class 4 whitewater excitement. The Yuba River, Kaweah River & others are available in the spring when snowmelt is occuring.

Class 5 Trip Highlights
  • More rafting trip options!
  • Half day trips
  • 1 day trips
  • Overnight trips (includes camping and meals!)
  • Group discounts