When your group of buddies graduated from high school, everyone went their own direction but you all stayed in touch. Now, whenever possible, you try to get together to have fun, relive old memories, and create new ones. Something that you can all do together is white water rafting in California.
Adventure Connection leads white water rafting river trips down the American River, just east of Sacramento, California. They have trips available for everyone from beginners to experienced paddlers, and can help you put together a group trip for your high school friends that you will all enjoy.
When you facilitate a group trip through Adventure Connection, there are number of advantages above just booking a trip on your own. For one thing, when you get 12 people to sign up for your group trip, you get either a free trip for one person, or a discount applied to everybody. If you sign up more than 24 people, you get an additional 10% off.
Plus with your group whitewater rafting trip, you will have the ability to personalize your itinerary, menu, and activities. There’s no better way to stay in touch with your childhood friends and spend time together than with an adrenaline-pumping California River rafting trip.
California rafting group trips
with Adventure Connection
Going on a whitewater rafting trip with family and friends is just what you need to experience California at its best. Group trips with Adventure Connection allow you to ride challenging rapids at great discounted prices with our expert whitewater rafting guides. Don’t delay! Reserve your California whitewater rafting trip today.