When you have a large group, organization, or just a bunch of friends that like to hang around together, it can be hard to find something that everyone will love to do. It can be even harder to find a group activity that can accommodate a lot of people. Often you will be charged extra to have two dozen people or more on an excursion.
That’s not the case with whitewater rafting in California. You see, the larger the group, the more discounts you get! With every 12 people that you get together for a whitewater rafting trip, you get one free trip. For every 24 people that you get together, you all get 10% off of everyone’s trip. Plus groups get to customize their trips to suit their desires with their itineraries, menus, and more.
Adventure Connection offers the perfect whitewater rafting trips for groups on the American River. Whether you have a group of beginners, intermediate, experts, or a mixed bag, there’s something that everyone will enjoy. Contact Adventure Connection today to download the Group Leader packet and begin setting up your customized group whitewater rafting trip in California.
California rafting group trips
with Adventure Connection
Going on a whitewater rafting trip with family and friends is just what you need to experience California at its best. Group trips with Adventure Connection allow you to ride challenging rapids at great discounted prices with our expert whitewater rafting guides. Don’t delay! Reserve your California whitewater rafting trip today.